
Sylvain ZEMSI

Associate Researcher

Sylvain ZEMSI is a conscientious Medical Doctor and a Research officer, currently working for the RSD institute in Yaoundé, Center.

His area of focus as a Research officer are the management of projects on Global Health topics like Covid-19, Diabetes, HIV and also the design and interpretation of clinical trials. His interested in this tract were inspired by his experiences as a care provider in a resource limited setting. Sylvain believes that, the best approach to reduce mortality and thereby increase life expectancy in Cameroon and other Sub-Saharan African countries is by transmitting to the population, the knowledge on how to prevent most of those diseases to arouse. Sylvain was chosen to be one of the Youth Ambassadors for the International Aids Society in 2021. In December 2020, he was awarded the Master prize at the International fair of Young African Researchers, for an interesting research on Hepatitis B and HIV Coinfection. He is dedicated to alleviate the immense burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases in underserved communities across the globe.