Jeannette Célestine KOUAMOU
Associate Researcher
DJIPJOUO marries KOUAMOU Jeannette Célestine is a former Cameroonian public service executive and Associate Researcher for RSD Institute in Yaoundé, Cameroon.Graduated from University of Avignon (DEUG II) and from the University of Yaoundé (Master’s degree), Jeannette joined the Cameroonian public service in 1982 as Professor of General Education (PLEG). She teaches life sciences at Lycée Bilingue in Yaoundé, and at Lycée Général Leclerc. At the same time, she hold several high-level positions: laboratory manager, educational facilitator, internship coach, mission manager and jury chair for the BEPC, Probatoire and Baccalauréat.In 2005, Jeannette joined the central services of the Ministry of Secondary Education where she evolves to the position of Head of School Health, Hygien and Prophylaxis. On the same time, she is focal point for many organisation working with Cameroon public administration : CERAC, ONU FEMME, FESADE, MINSANTE, MINPROFF, MINAS, RSD Institute, HOPIT, HORIZON FEMMES, …. Until her retirement in 2019.
Jeannette has carried out several activities during her career on the themes of the fight against AIDS, access to ARVs, the causes of girl school loss with consulting company GRETAF, GERCIS, etc. She also received several trainings on public management, the penal code, and ethics at ENAM and ISMP.
Jeannette is now Associate Researcher for RSD Institute.