Jean-Claude KATTE
Senior Researcher
Jean-Claude KATTE is a public health physician and a research associate for RSD Institute, Yaounde, Cameroon. He finished his medical training with a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Yaounde 1 back in 2011
Jean-Claude KATTE is a public health physician and a research associate for RSD Institute, Yaounde, Cameroon. He finished his medical training with a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Yaounde 1 back in 2011. He worked as a general practitioner in one of the regional hospitals in Cameroon for several years before working as a research assistant and study coordinator of the H3Africa Diabetes project in Cameroon. He completed his medical residency training in public health medicine in 2020 in Cameroon and is a current Ph.D. scholar with the NIHR Global Health Diabetes Group at the University of Exeter. His current research is focused on understanding the etiology and survival of patients with type 1 diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa. He is a Young Physician Leader, a member of the International Insulin Foundation, and a pioneer member of the Cameroon Academy of Young Scientists.