- Dr. Jean-Claude KATTE
The Research Capacity Building Department of RSD Institute is focused on developing short and long-term academic, scientific and research themes that will be of utility to both young and established researchers. The department seeks to provide a platform for diverse scientific discussions between intra-mural and extra mural experts on pathways for capacity building, development and innovation through evidence-based research and best practices. Under the leadership of the head of Department, RSD Institute now has four main programme and training contents which are :
- RSD Webinar Series : The webinar series is focused on bringing online discussion and feedback contents on current scientific topics that affect the scientific culture of our time. RSD Institute through the webinar series will rely on their vast list of experts and international collaborators to bring up-to-date information to her online audience.
- RSD Zoominar Lectures : The RSD Zoominar Lectures are a series of online medical lectures on the zoom platform that will hold once every month on a specific topic on applied clinical and medical sciences. The zoominar lectures will seek to invite medical students all across Cameroon to a common platform for interactive learning to improve their medical knowledge.
- RSD Young Researcher Development Programme : The Young Researcher Development Programme seeks to build capacity among medical and biomedical students and to stimulate a passion for science as a motor of personal and community development. This programme will run a series of capacity-building workshops and scientific writing and grant-writing training. RSD seeks to build a cohort of young Cameroonian researchers through this programme who will grow to penetrate the international sphere of research in all domains of science.